Thursday, February 26, 2009


…to the wonderful world of a post secondary student! I’m doing this blog as a final project for my fourth year communication studies seminar. My class is called Citizen Media and the Public Sphere so this blog here will be all about how citizen media fits into the lives of college and university students. Anyone who doesn’t really know about citizen media can check out my other blog, as well as my classmates’, which deal with various topics that have to do with citizen media.
I got the idea for this blog from a YouTube video we watched in the first day of class called “A Vision of Students Today” (found below). If you are in university and watch that clip you can totally identify with everything in the video. The thing that always strikes me the most is how much of our time is used up in a day – technically, more than a day. All students are pressed for time and we have to learn good time management skills right away. I think that this is part of the reason why students today use so many different types of technology, because we want to make things easier on ourselves. Whether or not technology actually helps us is another matter. I’m going to stop the intro here. Stay tuned to find out what happens in the crazy life of a university student!